Jackie Lauer is a Corporate Culture Guru and founder of Heart of Culture. She is also a key part of Fibernetics, a member of our leadership team, and integral to our ongoing mission to make our company the best employer in Canada. A passionate leadership coach and a well-known public speaker, Jacky is known for her no BS approach and sense of humour  as she helps transform a company’s culture to facilitate a thriving workplace.
Having her here is helping us transform out company yet you can avail yourself of her advice by following her on LinkedIn. She regularly publishes on that platform useful advice for corporate leaders who are looking to transform their workplace to a happier more inclusive place:

Creating Meaningful Corporate Values That Drive Success

Most leaders see the benefits of having formal corporate values. With the right investment of time and energy, corporate values lead to greater engagement, improved performance and overall success. When they’re not done properly, you end up with hollow statements that no one takes seriously.

Meaningful core values are part of a company’s DNA. They articulate what an organisation stands for, highlighting the expected behavioural norms and skills. They form the core of its culture.

Your company’s core values influence the employees you hire and how your company spends its time and money. When tough decisions are needed, it’s your values that drive them.

You can read then entire column here.