
Unlock New Opportunities: Resell FTTP with Fibernetics Wholesale

As a Fibernetics wholesale partner, you understand the importance of offering cutting-edge technology to your customer base. We are thrilled to announce that you can now resell our FTTP PON (Fiber to the Premises Passive Optical Network) services. Fibernetics FTTP gives you the opportunity to deliver one of the most advanced internet solutions available [...]

The Hidden Costs to Your Internet Service Providers

As a Canadian Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), Fibernetics is dedicated to fostering innovation, competition, and affordability in the telecommunications industry. We recognize the challenges faced by Canadians due to the lack of competition and choice in the market, and we work tirelessly to provide alternative solutions that empower consumers. With the recent news [...]

Fibernetics is Expanding to New Areas Across Canada

Fibernetics is growing again!  As a CLEC*, we already operate a Canadian private network covering 85% of the population, and we’re dedicated to growing into more areas and bringing more choice to Canadians. This August, we expanded into the Local Interexchange Region (LIR) of St. Thomas and we’re excited to introduce ourselves and offer [...]

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Wholesale But Were Afraid to Ask

Recently some of us in the marketing department were having a little chat about the various services Fibernetics offers, and it went something like this…   “So, we have phone and internet services for home and business. What else?" “Uh, we sell Wholesale services, but I don’t really know what that means.” “Yeah, me neither.” OK, so [...]